Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Bad Thought

Kate woke in the church. The service had already started. She stared at the alter in front of her, at the woman draped in black. I don't belong here, she thought.

As if in a dream, she watched people appear and disappear at the podium, ahead of her seat. They spoke, but she couldn't hear them over the sound of blood flowing through her skull. Too much blood. Kate felt a pain abover her left eyesocket. Pressure building. Like water against a dam. Instead of letting it burst on it's own, she scratched the surface of her skin, letting the thick liquid flow in her eye, over the left side of her face, running throuh her hair. Unconsciously, she had made herself a mask. A veil to hide behind.

All eyes turned to Kate. They looked at her to speak. To comfort, to remove the knives behind their eyes. Kate stood,legs shaking, wrapping her arms around herself she walked to the expected podium.

She talked about Henry. The things he had taught her, to live life noticing all the good things life had to offer. To forgive and forget. How to unclog a clogged toilet. She talked about how she'd always remember him.

Henry, as if he were an imaginary friend, was always there when Kate need him. But was never resentful about disappearing when she didn't. And just as if he were an imaginary friend, she had killed him with a bad thought.

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