Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Heart Spot

Once there was a dog named Spot
Spot liked to run and play
He could jump and sit
He could roll over and play dead
Spot liked to play in traffic
This is the story of how he died

It's sad to think of how Spot diedA
gruesome death for little Spot
It was cold, but Spot wanted to play
The other dogs stayed home having a sit
Little did they know Spot would soon be dead
For Spot liked to play in traffic

So Spot ran out in the middle of traffic
The activity he did as he died
A car ran over little SpotThe dog who only wanted to play
Play rather than roll over and sit
But Spot can't play 'cause he's dead

I miss little Spot now he's dead
Why did he have to play in traffic?
Didn't he know that's how his father died?
A cute dog was dear Spot
He'd sing and bark as he'd play
He'd bounce when other dogs would sit

I stuffed him in a position of sit
I can do that, after all he's dead
Since that day of heavy traffic
The car zoomed by that's how he died
On the road he left a big red spot
No more can Spot and I play

Fun to watch was Spot to play
It took so long to make him sit
This poem's about Spot because he's dead
Now I cry when I see traffic
And that's the story of how he died
My sweet little dog named Spot

Take heed from the Spot is dead story
He died because he wouldn't sit
Some times are for play but never in traffic

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